
Annual Fall Fund

Thank you for making this possible!

List of 1 items.

  • Annual Giving at MDA

    Mission Dolores Academy's Annual Fall Fund is our cornerstone annual fundraising effort and supports the school's fundamental budgetary needs, influencing all aspects of school life and benefiting every student. 
With profound thanks to your generosity, every dollar given to the Annual Fall Fund enables us to deliver academic excellence, much-needed social and emotional resources, and timely financial assistance to our families for whom it is vital. Thank you for making this possible!

Annual Fall Fund gifts are typically unrestricted and can be directed to areas which have the greatest potential for impact. In addition to addressing our general operating expenses, your contribution to the Annual Fund will be used to support these essential priorities:

MDA's Annual Fall Fund campaign opens on August 1 of each year and ends on July 31 of the following year.

Every gift given to the Annual Fall Fund will keep our programs possible and impactful, opening the door for students to become the engaged learners and leaders they seek to be. 

Please consider a gift to the Annual Fall Fund at a level most meaningful to you. Make your gift to the Annual Fall Fund securely online using the form below.

Why give monthly?

Monthly giving is a great way to maximize your impact and ensure MDA's financial stability through sustained and predictable support. Through monthly giving, you can invest in MDA at a level that makes sense for you, and join a dedicated community of individuals who are committed to supporting our Mission and creating educational opportunities to transform lives.
Mission Dolores Academy, an inclusive faith-filled school community, empowers confident students who are academically prepared, leading lives motivated by integrity and committed to the common good.
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